

1. Definitions 定义 – In these Conditions of Sale: 本销售条款中

“Conditions” means these Conditions of Sale.

“Company” means B&R Enclosures (Suzhou) Co., Ltd, registered address is Building 24, Undertaking Investment and Development Zone, Heshun Road, SIP, Suzhou 215122. China.
“公司”指宾达机柜(苏州)有限公司,注册地址是中国苏州工业园区和顺路创投工业坊 23 号厂房 邮政编码:215122。

“Purchaser” means the entity purchasing the Goods.

“Authorised Offi cer” means a Director or Secretary of the Company or a Commercial Manager as appointed by the Company.

“Goods” means the product and/or service the subject of the contract of purchase between the Purchaser and the Company.

“Guarantor” means the guarantor listed in the Guarantee and Indemnity document if applicable.

2. General 概述

  1. These Conditions will be deemed incorporated in any order placed by the Purchaser and any acceptance of a Purchaser’s order by the Company will be deemed subject to these Conditions. These Conditions override
    and replace any other conditions.
    本销售条款应视为已包含在买方所下的任何订单之中,公司对买方订单的任何接受均应视为适用本 销售条款。本销售条款将取代其他任何销售条款
  2. No variation or cancellation of any of these Conditions shall be binding on the Company unless agreed in writing by an Authorised Officer of the Company. No agent or representative of the Company has the authority to waive or alter these terms and conditions.
    本销售条款的任何变更或取消,除非经公司的授权人员书面同意,否则对公司不具有约束力。公司 的任何代理商或代表均无权放弃或更改本销售条款。

3. Precedence 文件优先顺序

In the event of conflict between these Conditions and those which may be included in, or implied by, any document forming part of any enquiry, specification, order or contract then these Conditions shall prevail except insofar as they are expressly varied by an Authorised Officer of the Company in writing. If any condition is contrary to or excluded by law these Conditions shall be modified but only to the extent of excluding that part of the Conditions affected.
如果本销售条款与可能构成任何询盘、规格、订单或合同一部分的任何文件包含的或暗示的条款有冲 突,则以本条款为准,除非经公司以书面形式明确更改。如果本条款的任何条款与法律相悖或者被法 律排除在外,则应修改受影响的条款。

4. Quotations 报价

  1. Where a quotation is given, these Conditions shall form part of that quotation.
  2. Any such quotation is not an offer or obligation to sell and the Company reserves the right to accept or reject any orders received.
  3. A quotation includes only such Goods as are specified in it. The Company reserves the right to cancel any sale where Goods offered are not in stock in its warehouse.
  4. Unless otherwise stated quotations are current for a period of 30 days, unless previously withdrawn by the Company, from the date of quotation and thereafter are subject to written confirmation of its continued validity by the Company. If an order is placed in response to a quotation and the delivery date required exceeds a period of sixty (60) clear days then the Company reserves the right to amend the quotation and price to reflect any increase in the cost of materials or labour or increase in the Consumer Price Index. Furthermore in the event of alterations to design or specifications all quotations given are subject to withdrawal or variation at any time prior to acceptance of any order placed in response to the same.
    除非另有说明,报价有效期为三十(30)天,经公司预先撤回的除外,从报价之日及随后由公司 书面确认货币算起。如果买方响应某报价而下了订单,但要求的交货日期超过六十(60)整天, 则公司有权根据材料和人力成本的增长情况或者居民消费价格指数(CPI)的上涨情况修改报价 和价格。另外,如果设计或规格有变更,所有给出的报价均应在接受为响应该报价所下的任何订 单之前撤回或更改。
  5. Unless confirmed in writing by the Company any verbal agreement to vary, undertakings, assurances or understandings relevant to the quotation and Conditions shall not be binding.
    除非经公司以书面形式确认,否则就报价和销售条款给出的任何口头更改约定、承诺、保证或谅 解均无约束力。

    1. A contract is not concluded or
    2. Performance under a contract has been fully completed.
      合同已全面履行完毕。Document supporting the offers, such as illustrations, drawings or specifications of weights and measurements, are approximate unless they have expressly been agreed upon as binding. Company reserves all ownership rights and copyright in illustrations, drawings, cost estimates, calculations, and other documents. They may not be disclosed to third parties without prior express written consent from Company. Such materials are to be returned to Company immediately in the event that:
      报价的支持性文件,如说明、图样、重量及尺寸的规格,仅是大致提供的,除非双方已明确约定 其具有约束力。公司保留对说明、图样、费用估计、计算方法等文件的全部专有权利及著作权。 未经公司明确的事先书面同意,不得向第三方披露。在以下情况下,应立即将这些材料返还公 司:

5. Prices 价格

  1. Prices refer to those effective at the time of the quotation or offer.
  2. All prices quoted in USD unless specified to the contrary.
  3. All prices are strictly net unless otherwise stated.
  4. Any prices quoted by the Company do not include any freight charges unless specifically stated.
  5. Prices quoted also do not include value-added tax.
  6. All prices are subject to change without notice and orders are accepted by the Company on the condition that they will be invoiced at the prices ruling at the date of despatch. Every endeavour will be made to give notice of any increase to the Purchaser.
    所有价格如有更改恕不另行通知,公司只接受以发出日当时的价格开具发票的订单。价格如有增 加,将尽一切努力通知买方。
  7. All prices shown in published catalogues or price lists are recommended selling prices only and there is no obligation on the part of the Purchaser to maintain such prices.

6. Delivery 交货

  1. The delivery period included in any quotation commences from the date the Company receives sufficient information to proceed with manufacturing without interruption or from the date the Company receives the
    Purchaser’s written order, or that an agreed upon down payment actually has been received by Company, whichever is the later date.
  2. Quoted delivery dates are subject to confirmation when an order if accepted by the Company.
  3. Delivery occurs when the Goods are made available to the Purchaser or, in the case of shipment, to the Purchaser’s nominated carrier or shipping agent.
  4. Where the Purchaser requests the Company to arrange delivery of the Goods to its premises or premises nominated by the Purchaser and the Company agrees to arrange delivery, the deliveries will be dispatched
    by the Company at the Purchaser’s risk. Any complaints for tampering or shortages in materials must be submitted promptly by the recipient to the carrier or shipping agent.
  5. If the Purchaser has not provided instructions for the delivery of the Goods or has not promptly provided for their collection, the Company may store the Goods within its factory, warehouse or nearby locations at a cost to the Purchaser and without any responsibility or liability on the part of the Company for damage to or the condition of the Goods when ultimately delivered or collected as the case may be.
    如果买方未提供交货说明或未及时为货物托收做准备,公司可将货物暂存在自己的工厂、仓库或 附近的地方,费用由买方支付,而且公司对最终交货或托收(视情况而定)时的损坏或货物状况 概不负责。

    1. circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the Company, any cause which may delay the manufacturing process, including but not limited to: work interruptions, trade union actions,delays on the part of suppliers, suspension of transportation, deficiencies in electrical supply, fires or accidents.
    2. insufficient, inaccurate or delayed communication on the part of the Purchaser of specifications which are required to complete the order.
    3. delays on the part of the Company and its suppliers in acquiring raw materials.
    4. instructions accepted by the Company to modify after the receipt of the order.
    5. default or delay in complying with payment conditions on the part of the Purchaser.
    6. The Company production schedules.
    7. war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war has been declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection or military or usurped power; or
    8. any statute, rules, regulations, order or requisitions issued by any government department or other duly constituted authority; or
    9. strikes, lockouts, breakdowns of plant or any other causes (whether or not of a like nature) beyond the Company’s control.
      公司无法控制的罢工、闭厂、停工或其他任何事由(不管是否为类似性质)。Unless otherwise agreed by the Company in writing, the Company shall not in any event be liable to the Purchaser for any delay in the delivery or any non-delivery of the Goods or any part of them. Such delays
      may include, but are not necessarily not limited to:

7. Freight 运费

  1. Unless otherwise agreed to by the Company,

    1. For deliveries outside China, all freight costs will be charged to the Purchaser.
    2. For deliveries within China
    3. Within Suzhou, the costs of freight will be to the account of the Company.
    4. Outside Suzhou, all freight costs will be charged to the Purchaser. Where the Purchaser requires freight to be prepaid, all expenses will be to the Purchaser’s account.

        1. For all orders less than RMB 10,000, the Purchaser must nominate its preferred freight method and be responsible for all freight charges.
        2. Freight cost on return of any Goods which are not in accordance with the Purchaser’s order will only be paid by the Company if returned by the Company’s nominated carrier.

      8. Packing 包装Unless stated otherwise in the relevant quotation the price quoted includes packing in accordance with the Company’s standard practice. Any other packing requested by the Purchaser or deemed necessary by the Company will be charged in addition to the price quoted.
      9. Payment 付款

              1. If the Company has accepted the Purchaser’s application for credit, each account is payable within 30 days of the end of the month of despatch or collection of the Goods unless otherwise agreed in writing. The
                Company is not obliged to continue to supply Goods to the Purchaser on credit and may at any time give notice to the Purchaser requiring any order for Goods delivered after such notice to be paid for on delivery or prior to despatch of the Goods.
              2. If a credit application has not been accepted, a deposit of 30 per cent on the value of goods must be paid at the time of placing the order and the balance owing to the Company must be paid prior to despatch.
              3. The Purchaser acknowledges that the Company may
              4. refuse to grant credit to the Purchaser;
              5. withdraw or vary credit facilities at the Company’s absolute discretion without prior notice; or
              6. withhold supply irrespective of whether an order has been accepted or not if for any reason the Company determines in its absolute discretion that no further credit is to be extended to the Purchaser.
                如果公司因任何缘由自行决定不再给予买方延长赊 账,不管订单是否已接受,公司可以暂时停止供货。
              7. For delivery of goods outside of China, at the absolute discretion of the Company, the Company may accept an irrevocable letter of credit payable at sight.
              8. If payment for Goods is not made when due, the Purchaser must:
              9. pay interest on any amount due but remaining unpaid at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum until the actual date of payment by Purchaser. Purchaser shall pay such interest within ten (10) days from the date of the respective invoice. and
              10. reimburse the Company for all costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) incurred by the Company in collecting any late payments.
              11. The imposition of interest charges pursuant to this clause will not be regarded as allowing any time for payment of any amount owing. All overdue amounts will remain immediately due and payable to the
                Company and the Company may take legal proceedings at any time for recovery of any overdue amounts and all costs in doing so are recoverable from the Purchaser on an indemnity basis.
              12. If Company establishes that its actual damages resulting from the Purchaser’s delay of payment were higher, then Company is entitled to claim compensation for such higher damages. The Purchaser shall, however, be entitled to prove that the actual damages resulting from its late payment were lower.

      10. Acceptance 验收

      Without limiting the Purchaser’s obligations under 6 (d) the Purchaser must inspect the Goods immediately upon delivery and must within seven (7) days from the date of inspection give written notice to the Company of any alleged defect in the Goods, or other alleged breach of contract by the Company. The Purchaser waives any claim for shortage of any Goods delivered if a claim in respect of short delivery has not been lodged with the Company within 7 days from the date of receipt of the Goods by the Purchaser.
      在不限制买方在 6 (d) 条款项下的义务的情况下,买方必须在货到时立即检查货物,并在检查日后七(7)天内将声称的任何货物缺陷或者公司的任何违约嫌疑以书面形式通知公司。如果买方在收到货物后七(7)天内未就交货短缺向公司提出索赔,则买方放弃就任何货物短缺提出索赔的权利。

      11. Credits 折让抵扣

                1. Goods which are not defective may not be returned to the Company for credit unless prior consent has been given by the Company and then will only be accepted under the following conditions:

                  1. freight and packing are prepaid and a packing list is enclosed with the returned Goods; and
                  2. the Goods are in new condition and are approved as such, on receipt, by the Company’s quality controller.
                  3. Credit will only be allowed on the original invoiced price (less any applicable discount) less a restocking fee of fifteen (15) percent of the net price.
                    折让抵扣按照原始发票价格(扣除相应的折扣)减去净价 15% 的返仓费
                  4. No credit will be allowed for non-standard or specifically procured Goods.

      12. Damage or Loss In-Transit 运输途中的货物损坏或遗失

      Where carriage is the responsibility of the Company, the Company will repair or may replace free of charge Goods lost or damaged in transit to the point of delivery provided written notice of such loss or damage is given to the Company within three days of delivery or expected delivery, or within such times as will enable the Company to comply with the carrier’s conditions of carriage relating to loss or damage in transit (whichever is the earlier).

      13. Cancellation or Variation 取消或变更

      An order may be varied or cancelled only if the Company gives its consent in writing. The Purchaser indemnifies the Company in respect of any loss or damage arising from any such variation or cancellation.

      14. Purchaser’s Specification 买方的规格

      The Company will not be deemed to have agreed to comply with any specifications and/or drawings referred to in any order unless the specifications and/or drawings have been produced to the Company prior to the acceptance of an order and are signed or otherwise acknowledged by the Company.

      15. Product Design 产品设计

      The Company engages in a policy of continuous development and improvement of its products. Therefore the Company reserves the right to alter the design and/or specifications of any product or equipment without notice and without incurring liability.

      16. Liability 责任

                  1. The only conditions and warranties which are binding on the Company in respect of the state, quality or condition of the Goods supplied to the Purchaser are those described in clause 17 and those imposed and required to be binding by statute
                  2. Except as set out in clause 17 the Company will not be liable to the Purchaser for any liability, (including liability in negligence) loss or damage of whatever nature, consequential or otherwise, however suffered or incurred by the Purchaser, caused by or resulting directly or indirectly from the supply or manufacture of the Goods.
                    除了第 17 条的规定,对因货物提供或生产而直接或间接使买方遭受或招致的遗失或损坏,无论

      17. Warranty 保证

                  1. Goods which are the Company’s own are guaranteed against faulty workmanship, materials or design, for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of delivery, after which all liability on the part of the Company
                    ceases. The guarantee does not apply in the following cases:-
                  2. defect arising from materials supplied by the Purchaser or from a design requested by the Purchaser;
                  3. replacements or repairs resulting from normal wear of units and machinery, corrosive atmosphere, damage or injury caused by lack of care, insufficient inspection or maintenance, or improper use of the Goods;
                  4. defects arising from an event outside of our control such as fire, flood, earthquake or other natural calamity, motor vehicle or other accident, strike, civil unrest, terrorism or war.
                  5. The guarantee consists of repairing, modifying or replacing the parts or units recognised as defective within the shortest reasonable time at the Company’s expense, inclusive of parts and labour, but exclusive of transport and/or travelling expense each of which shall be at the cost of the Purchaser. Company receives title to any replaced parts.
                  6. Subject to the above, the Company’s liability and that of its resellers is wholly limited to the original cost of the product sold. Any unauthorised repairs of or alterations to the Goods shall invalidate this warranty.
                  7. The Purchaser must contact the Company’s office from which the Goods were purchased and provide details of the Purchaser’s order to which the Goods related and a detailed description of the fault and how and when it arose.
                  8. In the case of Goods not of the manufacture of the Company or its principals, the Company undertakes that it will, if requested in writing by the Purchaser, make all reasonable endeavours in assisting the Purchaser
                    to obtain from the manufacturer the benefi t of any guarantee or warranty which the manufacturer may have expressly given as to the quality or fi tness for any purpose of the Goods, except as may otherwise be provided for by law.
                    根据制造商的质保及产品适用性承诺,从制造商处争取多的保修或担保的利益, 法律另有规定的
                  9. The fulfillment of this undertaking shall constitute the Company’s sole liability in respect of any faulty Goods not of the manufacture of the Company or its principals.
                  10. The Company shall not be liable for any injury, damages, expense, or loss of profit, direct or consequential, arising out of the use or installation of products supplied by the Company all of which are supplied at the sole risk of the Purchaser.
                  11. Changes in the design or specifications of goods that were made before delivery as part of general design or production changes at Company shall not be deemed to be defects in the delivered goods, unless such changes render the delivered goods useless for the purpose intended by the Purchaser.
                  12. The Company may refuse to honour its warranty obligations in the event the Purchaser has not fulfilled its contractual obligations.

      18. Determination of Damages 损害赔偿额的确定

                  1. If:

                    1. any distress, execution or other legal process is levied upon any of the Purchaser’s assets; or
                    2. an application for commencing insolvency proceeding has been filed against the Purchaser or the Purchaser enters into liquidation process; or
                    3. payment for Goods is not made when due; or
                    4. the Purchaser breaches any material provision of the contract,
                    5. Then, without prejudice to its rights under any other clause or at law, the Company may (but is not bound to do so):
                    6. terminate the contract; and/or
                    7. suspend delivery to the Purchaser of all or any outstanding orders; and/or
                    8. require payment on delivery for all Goods delivered or to be delivered after the relevant event; and/or
                    9. require immediate payment for any Goods delivered and not paid for by the Purchaser prior to the event.

      19. Passing of Risk, Retention of Title and PPS 风险的转移、所有权的保留

                    1. The Goods supplied by the Company are at the Purchaser’s risk immediately on delivery to the Purchaser or into the custody of the carrier or anyone acting on the Purchaser’s behalf whichever is the sooner. This shall also apply in the case of partial deliveries. In the event that transport or acceptance is delayed or becomes impossible due to circumstances that are not attributable to Company, the risk shall pass to the Purchaser upon the day on which the Purchaser is notified that the goods are ready for dispatch or acceptance.
                    2. In the event that the Purchaser delays acceptance or violates its duty to cooperate in any other way, the Company is entitled to claim compensation for the damages caused by such delay or violation, including any
                      additional expenditure, in particular, any costs incurred in the delayed acceptance of delivery.
                    3. Whilst the risk in the Goods passes on delivery, legal title remains with the Company until payment in full for all debts accrued or owed by the Purchaser to the Company is received by the Company. Payment will not be deemed to be made until any cheque (or other form of payment) has been honoured or cleared.
                    4. Until the Company has received payment for the Goods in full it reserves the following rights:

                      1. ownership of the Goods;
                      2. the right to enter the Purchaser’s premises and retake possession of the Goods;
                      3. the right to keep or resell any Goods repossessed under clause ii; and
                        对按照第 ii 条取回的任何货物保留或转售的权利;以及
                      4. any other rights it may have at law.
                      5. The Purchaser must not grant any other person a Security Interest in respect of the Goods or their proceeds.
                      6. Nothing in this clause prevents the Company from taking action against the Purchaser for the purchase price of the Goods.
                      7. Until the Company has received payment for the Goods in full:
                      8. the Purchaser agrees to take the Goods as bailee for the Company;
                      9. the Purchaser must insure the Goods against all usual risks to full replacement value until ownership passes to the Purchaser noting on such insurance policy the interest of the Company and any insurance monies received by the Purchaser in respect of Goods owned by the Company, will be received on trust for and paid to the Company;
                      10. the Purchaser must, where reasonably possible, store each delivery of Goods separately, clearly identified as the Company’s property and in a manner to enable the Goods to be identified and cross-referenced to particular invoices;
                      11. the Purchaser may only sell, use or part with possession of Goods in the ordinary course of its business. Any sale will be as fiduciary agent for the Company and the Purchaser must receive on trust for and account to the Company for that part of the proceeds of sale that equates to the amount owing by the Purchaser to the Company for those Goods, however this agency will only extend to the obligation to account for proceeds, and the Purchaser will not be bound by any contract between the Purchaser and the Purchaser’s purchaser;
                      12. if the Purchaser uses the Goods in a manufacturing or value added process of its own or a third party, then the Purchaser will hold that part of the proceeds of the manufacturing or value added process as relates to the Goods on trust for the Company. Such part will be deemed to equal in RMB terms the amount owing by the Purchaser to the Company for those Goods at the time of the receipt of the proceeds.
                      13. Without limiting the generality of the Company’s rights in this clause 19, if payment for the Goods is not made by the Purchaser when due or the Company terminates this contract under clause 18, then the Purchaser must return the Goods to the Company on demand. If the Purchaser does not return the Goods to the Company within 48 hours of receipt of the demand, the Company may for the purposes of recovery of possession of the Goods, enter forcibly, if necessary, upon any premises where the Goods are stored or where they are reasonably thought to be stored and may repossess, remove and resell the Goods.
                        在不限制本条(第 19 条)中公司权利的一般性的情况下,如果买方未支付到期货款或者公司按
                        照第 18 条的规定终止了本合同,则一经请求,买方必须将货物退回公司。如果买方在收到请求
                        后 48 小时内未将货物退回公司,公司可强行(必要时)进入货物存放的地方或认为可能存放的
                      14. The Purchaser is liable for all costs associated with the exercise by the Company of its rights under this clause 19, which costs are payable on demand.
                        买方应承担公司行使本条(第 19 条)项下的权利时产生的一切费用,且这些费用为见票即付。
                      15. The Purchaser irrevocably appoints the Company to be its attorney to do such acts and execute such documents as the Purchaser could personally do or execute (including the appointment of a substitute attorney) which in the opinion of the Company (acting reasonably) is necessary or expedient to give effect to any right, power or remedy conferred on the Company by these terms and conditions to give effect to the matters contemplated by these terms and conditions.
                      16. The provisions of this clause 19 will survive termination of these terms and conditions or any other agreement between the Company and the Purchaser for the sale of Goods, for whatever reason.
                        本条(第 19 条)的规定在本销售条款或公司与买方之间为销售货物或其他原因而签订的任何其

      20. Set Off 抵消

      The Purchaser may not withhold or set off payment of any amount due to the Company under the contract whether in respect of any claims of the Purchaser in respect of faulty or defective Goods or any other reason.

      21. Governing Law 管辖法律

      These Conditions shall be governed by the laws of PRC China. The Company and the Purchaser agree that any legal proceedings with respect to a dispute over the contract of purchase between the Company and Purchaser shall be determined within the Courts of SIP China.

      22. Severability 可分割性条款

      If any provision of this Conditions should be held to be invalid in any way or unenforceable it shall be severed and the remaining provisions shall not in any way be affected or impaired and this Conditions shall be construed so as to most nearly effect to the intent of the Company and the Purchaser.

      23. Notices 通知

      Any notice, consent or other communication hereunder may be by email or facsimile but must be addressed to the General Manager. The Notice will be deemed to have been received on the next business day after transmission.

      24. Legislation 法规

      If as a result of;

                1. Any legislation becoming applicable to the subject matter of this agreement; or
                2. Any changes in legislation or its interpretation by a court of competent jurisdiction or by any authority charged with its administration, the Company becomes liable to pay any tax, duty, excise or levy in respect of the amounts received from the Purchaser, then the Purchaser must pay the Company these additional amounts on demand.